Classifieds are best options for business owners. To make it effective you need to make use of best description. This can include making use of images, videos, names, details etc. the advertising is thus called as classified as it focuses on targeting a specific category.

The process of using classifieds involves making use of simple steps that are effective.

Identify directory services

One of the most important points to keep in mind is to make use of classified directories. Select ones that are high on page ranking with Google services. Today, people try and integrate Alexa services to find out complete list of high page ranking directories.  You have to remember that increased traffic means better business with classifieds.

Follow guidelines

Following proper guidelines is yet another important factor to keep in mind. Before posting classifieds you have to go through the guidelines of the directories. Online classifieds directories offer with guidelines that may vary from one site to another.

Advertisement creation

This is also considered as one of the most important steps that you may have to follow. This means that, you have to be aware of the product or services that you are willing to sell or buy. The ad has to be written on this basis. A short description of about few hundred words has to be written for posting.  The description can be written on word document. Ensure you also check with the spellings and grammar before you post the ad on classifieds.

Testing and tracking ads

The next step is to test and track the ad posted on classifieds.  It is important for you to use the ad that offers with best diversion of traffic to your web portal. This is also the place where you may have to put in all your efforts so you can get better results. You need to keep in mind that 80 percent of positive results can be achieved by focusing on 30 percent customers. Only try and target customers who are potential customers. Little research work is needed in this field. This will offer you with a very clear image of your conversion rate.


This means that you may now have to sort out the list of websites where your classifieds can be posted. You may have to go through the RSS and API feature of the site. This exercise will ensure that your classifieds are published on that site.

You can also try and make use of social book mark services for your online classifieds. This will help in improving your page ranking.