Running out of cash can affect our daily lives at unexpected times, especially when there are emergencies to deal with. These situations are a part of life,but they can cause big problems for individuals whose daily expenses depend on the regular paycheck alone.

Sometimes things don’t go according to plan and suddenly you find yourself in a frightening financial situation. While you may feel desperate, you’re not the only one – fast cash advances are used bylots of Australians who need money in a hurry. These quick loans have rescued many people by providing them with short-term assistance to bridge the gap.

Lifestyle Loans

You’re struggling to buy presents for Christmas before your next paycheck and you know the money will come, but not in time!The rent is due, but the car needs repairs, and what about that holiday you promised the kids?Although they’re not critical issues, these dilemmas can cause you stress. A lifestyle loan provides an injection of cash to help see you through for the short term.

Loans for a Medical Emergencies

If you don’t have private health insurance, medical or dental emergencies can cause huge distress. Our first priority is to look after family members and remain healthy ourselves. No parent wants to see their child suffer while waiting in line for public health, and a shocking toothache is hard to ignore!With no time to waste when these situations arise, you can apply for a fast cash loan and get paid within hours.

Loans for Mortgage Repayments

What can be worse, falling behind on mortgage repayments or taking out a loan? Failing to pay the mortgage on time can give a bank the impression that you can’t afford to own your home and foreclose. To make the payment on time, you can apply online and our team will process your application within the hour – but if the problem continues, consider downsizing, it may be a wise move!

Avoid Embarrassment

No one wants to appear to be needy. Borrowing money from family or friends is humiliating, and puts relationships under pressure. A sense of pride is important for your emotional well being, so keep up appearances and hold your head high! Applying for a short term loan has never been so easy. We have taken away the stress involved from the normal lengthy credit verification process and replaced it with a three-step process for easier application, approval and transfer of the funds into your bank account.

We all try to manage our finances well and hope to never to end up in debt. However, life can be unpredictable and sometimes there’s no easy way out.We want to help you find a short term financing solution but we are to help, not hinder you. If we don’t believe an advance will ease your financial situation, but rather add to your financial stress, we will not approve the loan.

Spondooli Fast Money is a leading loan provider in Australia acting in accordance with current federal legislation. For more details, you can visit our website at or email