Groupon is a global e-Commerce platform that connects subscribers with local merchants through travel, goods and services like activities. Launched in 2008, Groupon soon expanded its services and started operating in more than 300 countries by 2010. Soon Groupon has more than 35 million registered users and 500+ countries availing its services. Groupon is currently traded as NASDAQ: GRPN and serves worldwide. The revenue of Groupon as recorded in 2017 was 2.84 billion USD and net income of 14.04 billion USD. the services of Groupon are easily available to users from both android and iOS systems. The company has its headquarters in Chicago and falls under the electronic commerce industry. The former CEO of Groupon came up with the idea of starting the e-Commerce platform that impressed the company’s former employer who in turn raised funds to expand the idea. With time Groupon continually evolved itself and expanded its services.
Groupon news and stocks info
When it comes to trading knowing the history of company stock and performance is crucial, failing which investors might avail risks. To better understand stocks of Groupon, NASDAQ: GRPN at is the best platform. It shows the stock details in graphical and statistical format for better understanding. Stock details of Groupon are as follows
52 week high-63.20
52 week low-9.60
Volume- 1.02M
Market capital-685.68M
TTM- -3.0036
Based on 9 analyst ratings 0% of people suggest the strong purchase of stocks whereas 33.33% suggest buying of stocks. 44.44% suggests stock holding and 22.22% suggests that stocks are underperforming. None of them suggests stock selling. However, the information does not encourage investment and is only for analysis. Based on the price target analyst, the average GRPN stock piece is estimated to be 26.59 high and 17.30 low.
Financials of Groupon
Some of the investors of Groupon are
- New Enterprise Associates
- Brad Keywell
- ERicLeftkofsky
From January 2010 to 2011 Groupon witnessed a rise in revenue from 11 million USD to 89 million USD. on December 2101 google tried to acquire Groupon by offering 5.3 billion USD but got rejected. Further, Groupon moved ahead with initial public offerings. Currently, Groupon has both smartphone and computer applications for users. Best on user requirements the app offers its services to users.
Browse NASDAQ: GRPN to get accurate stock related news and information. The data here is best for analysis. For investors, this is the best place to seek proper info. Stay updated with the latest happenings today with NASDAQ. Also, get daily news about the company financials. You can check more information for margin trading. Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.