With so many options available it’s difficult to retain a customer. The dynamism of Pearls Jewelry business has changed a lot. So, does the customers’ expectation. There are no ways to fulfil all the expectation of the customer but you can always keep them engaged. Try some ideas and see the difference.

  1. Give a personal touch

Customers should feel at home whenever they are interacting with you. There has to be a proper introduction when they are buying or even inquiring certain information. Give them a name, contact no., email address, your twitter handle, Facebook account, and other information. You can make someone as your brand ambassador. You can always inquire about customers while interacting with them. Make sure not to offend while doing so.

  1. Make customer participants

Most of the time people welcome to a free offer to participate in some fun and leisure time out. Hold some contest or fun activity where you can ask your customers or their friends to participate in the game. Trust me; you will buy some loyalty towards your company among the participants.

  1. Make an exclusive offer to your customer

It is all about making your customer feel special while you earn the loyalty of your customer. Offer some discount coupons for your privilege customers. See this site to get an idea to offer exclusive gifts for customers. Such as, put their name or pictures or date of birth, on the gifts.

  1. Take your customer to a product tour

Most of the times you’ll be wonder that you have a better range of pearls jewelry or accessories than what a customer asked for. Understanding your customer requirements you might have asked them to go for other products but scared of losing customer refrained to do so. So, the situation of underselling arises. Avoid underselling. Take your customer for a product tour. You can find them amused to know your capabilities.


Customer engagement is a time taking process, but it pays. However, always opt for ideas which fit in the budget and suit your situation.