Many co-working spaces today include opportunities to collaborate with other businesses and employees as well as take on workshops and skill-building. Because of these benefits to companies, there are a number of educational institutions that are adopting this strategy for their classrooms as well. A typical school day at a college could one day mean the idea of an open learning environment with collaboration and workshops that are taken on by each student.

Coworking spaces feel like the future of work and with the number of mentorship opportunities and accessible skills that can be taken on here, employees that work in co-working spaces can have a fully collaborative mindset and the perfect opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge. This type of environment could easily be transferred over to classroom learning as well. 

In co-working spaces today, 71% of coworkers end up collaborating or partnering on projects. Corking students can give employees and students the chance to access a wide range of industries and skills. Freelance artists in co-working spaces end up taking on new tasks and working for a wide range of companies. This can help them to forge non-traditional career paths. A student entering into this environment could do the same and access an internship that is far more versatile than any other they could experience with formal education.

Although core working spaces are not open to everyone, these types of environments could serve as accelerators for future students to find new skills and connections. It will be up to students in the future to find a career path that falls in line with their skills and to get the skills that they may want to take on, but it could be widely beneficial for these students to take on these initiatives to of all their careers as necessary. These versatile options could lead to co-working space is becoming the classrooms of the future. 

This post was written by Tara Kintz. Tara is a director at Signature Workspace which is a  Tampa office space. Signature Workspace, owned and operated by Cantor Fund Management, offers services and amenities such as private offices, flex space, co-working space, virtual offices, meeting/conference rooms, and more.